Tuesday, April 19, 2011

C4K Summary Post

C4K #7
World Language Festival
I visited Mr. McClung's class blog. I watched a video of students in Ms. Leffler's and Ms. Barron's Spanish class. They sang a song by Enrique Iglesias titled "Hero". They were participating in the World Language Festival.
I left this comment:
I am a student in Dr. Strange’s EDM 310 class at the University of South Alabama! A World Heritage Day is such a great idea and I think it is wonderful so many students participated. I love creativity and I believe students learn the best by having fun and enjoying new knowledge. I watched the video of Ms. Lefler and Ms. Barron’s Spanish students singing Hero by Enrique Inglesias. This was very entertaining and made me want to be there. I love that song and I think it was perfectly done! I also left a link to my class blog.
C4K #8
Seb's Blog
I visited Ms. Thompson's 6/7 grade class blog from Adelaide, Australia. I read Seb's first ever edublog post! Seb talked about being really excited to start making posts, and wants frequent visitors because they will be posting often. Seb will also be cooperating in the Student Blogging Challenge and will be making lots of posts for that as well!
I left this comment:
Hi Seb!
I am a student in Dr. Strange’s EDM 310 class at the University of South Alabama! I also just started my journey into the blogging world! I love to blog and I am sure you will love it too! I cannot wait to read more of your posts! You are doing a wonderful job and I’m sure you will do great on your Student Blogging Challenge! Good Luck! I also left a link to my class blog.
Ms. Yollis' Class Blog
I visited Ms. Yollis' Classroom Blog. She is a 3rd Grade Teacher from California. I really enjoyed her class blog. Her blog motto is "~Third graders learning and sharing together~". I think this saying really fits her blog. She has a list of wonderful books her class is reading and has read. I also visited many posts, and it seems like her passion for teaching and using technology has really rubbed off on her students. Her third-graders are very smart and are having fun learning and discovering on their own! Ms. Yollis has been teaching for 24 years and still considers herself a learner. She is so passionate about teaching and learning, and I found this extremely inspirational. She has a link to her class picture, and she talks about their hobbies and their passion for learning. I love how involved she is with her students. She even has a Time Zone of friends, which means she thinks of everyone around the world also. She is a very caring person. She includes a link to learn about their great state of California as well. She also has a link to learn HTML code. I read this many months ago, and I have to say it actually helped me a great deal with this class and my technology literacy! Ms. Yollis proofreads everything and considers grammar VERY important! She even includes a checklist to read before you post a comment! I also think this is important, so I hope I am up to her standards! Her class blog has won many awards and I definitely think they deserve it!
Family Blogging Month
I also commented on Mrs. Yollis' Blog under "Family Blogging Month" for April 6th. This is the comment I left for Mrs. Yollis and her class:
My name is Skye LaDart, and I am a student in Dr. Strange's EDM 310 class at the University of South Alabama! I love your class blog! We are going to have to work hard to compete with such a great blog! You seem like a wonderful teacher who cares tremendously about your students! I hope I can promote a fun learning environment in my future second grade classroom one day just like yours! Great job!
Adia's Class Blog
I visited Adia's Blog. She is a third grade student in Mrs. Yollis' class. She wrote about a recent experience she had with her Girl Scout Troop. They learned about Japan's wonderful culture. They were taught about kanzaans, kimonos, sushi, and Japan's beautiful dolls. At the end of her post, she asked questions about your culture, other facts about Japan's culture, and if you have ever been a Girl Scout.
I left this comment:
Hi Adia!
I am a student in Dr. Strange's EDM 310 class at the University of South Alabama. I read the thank-you letter that you and two other classmates wrote, and I wanted to let you know that I will have a class blog when I become a teacher! Your class is very inspiring! I love your post, and I think it is very important to learn about other cultures! I also enjoy sushi and eat it very often! Keep up the amazing work! I also left a link to my class blog for her to visit.
To blog or not to blog cartoon

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