Sunday, April 3, 2011

Blog Assignment #10

Morgan Bayda "An Open Letter To Educators"
This video was very interesting. Morgan Bayda posted a video of Dan Brown. He dropped out of school because "his school was interfering with his education". Morgan wrote about how she did not agree with his decision to drop out of school, but she does agree that classrooms are largely outdated and need to be modernized. I agree with her statements. I have many classes that are extremely boring and I often feel like I could be doing something more educationally valuable. I have learned so much about technology in this class, and I could not imagine not using what I have learned in my future classroom. I think it is important to remember that teachers are still needed even with technology. I think it is our job to incorporate technology in schools because this will help the connection between teacher and student.
Don't Let Them Take Pencils Home
This was a great post! The post was about the school trying to stop students from taking pencils home because it was lowering their standardized test scores. Children in low-income areas used pencils as toys because they were not around them at home. Tom Johnson proposed incorporating the pencils with the lessons to solve the problem. The administrator asked what would keep the students from just playing with them at home. I loved one of the responses Tom gave. He said he would give them projects that kept them interested. I thought that was very clever. It is extremely important to teach children in ways that are interesting to them. If students are bored, they will not learn anything. I think when teachers make learning fun students are encouraged to seek knowledge independently.
Colored pencils together in a circle

1 comment:

  1. Skye,

    I think Morgan and Dan both make excellent points concerning education, and while I also do not think Dan should have dropped out, I do like how he said "school was interfering with his education." So many teachers simply drill students will facts, and they are not truly learning. I am glad to hear that you enjoy technology and plan on using it in your class. I agree that technology helps connect students with the teacher, and technology opens up many opportunities for the students.

    From Dr. Strange: It seems that you did not understand that Tom Johnspn's post Don't Let Them Take the Pencils Home was a metaphor in which pencils were computers. I will complete my post Metaphors: What They Are and Why We Use Them (A Learning Opportunity) later this week. After this post appears on the Class Blog you will be required to leave a comment. Watch the Class Blog for further instructions.
