Sunday, March 27, 2011

Blog Assignment #9

"What I've Learned This Year"
For this assignment, I read a blog post by Mr. McClung titled "What I've Learned This Year". This post was about what Mr. McClung learned in his first year as a teacher. He discussed "reading the crowd" versus the lesson being all about the teacher. I think this is very important because, as teachers, it is our job to make sure we are getting through to the students, and it is all about them. He also talked about flexibility, and how it is important to remember that not everything will go as planned. I think staying flexible is a must for teachers because you cannot plan how students will respond to your lesson. Mr. McClung wrote about the importance of communication with students as well as teachers, and not setting your goals too high for students because you will only be disappointed. This really made me think, because I know some children may do better with my help but there scores may still be low. I want to encourage my students to do their best and to and to never give up on anything. Next, Mr. McClung discussed "Don't Be Afraid of Technology". This class, again, came to my mind. I have learned so much about technology in this class and I am so glad because this will be an important part of my future teaching career. Technology is now and the future, and I think educators should embrace it and learn as much as possible. Lastly, Mr. McClung talked about listening to your students and never stopping your learning. These two topics are important for teachers to remember. I feel like a teacher who does not know each of their students is not doing their job. I think truly understanding who our students are is the best way to help them succeed. If we do not know anything about them how are we going to help them? The last topic, "Never Stop Learning" really stuck with me. As teachers, we should really understand that learning never ends. We need to teach this to our students and encourage them to want to learn on their own. I really enjoyed Mr. McClung's post and I would like to read more.
Never Stop Learning Sign


  1. "...never give up on anything." May be easier said than done. At least in EDM310. Sixth grade? Perhaps you can "never give up." You are getting you chance to read more this week. Also take a look at his After Year 2 Reflection.

  2. Hey Skye
    I enjoyed reading your post. I agree with everything you said. The points that really rang true to me were becoming a life long learner, not giving up, and adaptation. Being a life long learner is very important as a teacher, because most of us won't know everything straight out of school. Adaptation and never giving up are similar and connected. Our teaching has to be tailored to the students to help them realize and maximize their potential.

  3. Hey Skye,I agree completely with you that teachers should make sure that their students are understanding the lessons and not just zoning out of boredom. Believe me I know from experience I have had many teachers that lecture me to sleep.

  4. Hi Skye,

    I agree with you that as teachers one of the most important things we can do is make an effort to get to know our students. I believe if we show our students that are important to as and mean more to use then just a name on a test they will be more compelled to learn. I really enjoyed your post and believe you are going to make a great teacher one day!

  5. Really enjoyed this blog post! I also enjoyed Mr.Mclung 's excitement and positive words of wisdom! I look forward to using these techniques in my classroom.
