Did You Know? 3.0
After viewing this video, I actually felt scared about the future and about my daughter's future. Technology is really great, but it seems to be taking over the world. The video said that if MySpace was a country, it would be the 5th largest in the world! That completely shocked me! It seems like the world is becoming completely dependent on the internet! I know I would be lost without Google, and that honestly scares me.
The video also discusses the future of computers and how it is expected that we will have a computer more brilliant than the entire human race! That was the most frightening part about the whole video. Do we really want computers to be smarter than humans? What if they somehow took over and we were under their control? I think we are doing too much with technology and one day we will regret how far we have actually gone.
Mr. Winkle Wakes
This video really made me think about technology. Everything is changing so fast! If someone were to go to sleep for five years, they would be just as lost as Mr. Winkle! Technology is always changing, and people want faster, easier, and more manageable ways of doing things. The computer is taking over everyday life.
This video really made me ponder about technology and the school system. Why is school the same as 100 years ago? Why are kids still taking notes and being bored in class? I want my classroom to be filled with excitement. I do not want my students to take notes all day. I want them to be engaged with every subject, and I want to bring tons of creativity into my classroom. Mr. Winkle would not feel secure in my classroom!
Sir Ken Robinson: The Importance of Creativity
This presentation really made me think about creativity in the school system. Teachers and parents are giving kids the idea that they have to be smart and know all kinds of facts to make it in the world. Sir Ken Robinson says that our colleges are packed and degrees are not worth anything because we are only praising those jobs. This is completely true. I am majoring in Elementary Education, and I do not know if I will even be able to find a job when I get out. What really makes me mad is that there are teachers who hate what they do, and they are taking up a position that I would love to have.
I agree 100% that teachers MUST start teaching their students that creativity is just as important as math. We need artists, dancers, musicians, etc. in this world! I love how he said everyone is born an artist, but we grow out of being one as we become adults. The story about the choreographer, Gillian, really touched me. She was able to express her creativity and become successful at something she loved and was good at. I don't want to be the teacher who just chalks it up to ADHD, I want to be the teacher that tells her mom that she is a dancer! I want to encourage children to find out what they are good at and what they love. I do not want them to think they are hopeless because math is not their best subject!
Cecelia Gault (Young Student in Finland) Interviews Sir Ken Robinson
This video was very interesting to me. I really enjoyed the fact that a young student was interviewing an important figure. I think having students do creative things, such as interviews, gives them more motivation to learn about the world around them. I really believe that if a teacher can make learning fun everybody will want to stay in school and get a great education.
I agree with the man in the video about technology in schools. Children know more about technology than anyone because it is part of their life, it is what they are used to. I believe using more technology in the classroom is a very positive idea, because it allows teachers to instill knowledge in a way that the students can understand and have fun with. I think that if educators can learn to be more creative in the classroom and with technology, we can be at Finland's educational level.
Vicki Davis: Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts
Vicki Davis is exactly the teacher I want to be. She is not a boring ordinary teacher. She actually lets her students explore new technologies that they have never done. She is extremely creative and thinks differently than many teachers. Her students enjoy the class and enjoy learning, which is my top priority. She does not give them definitions, she makes them think and explore on their own. They even teach her new things!
I have never used technology that much until I took EDM310 this semester. I have only been in class 2 weeks, and I already feel empowered because of all I have learned so far. Teachers need to take learning to the next level every single day they teach. I want my students to enjoy learning and to end the day wanting to learn more. I love the inspiration Vicki Davis gives her students.
ReplyDeleteThe rapid increase of technology and our dependence on it also scares me. I also think we rely on technology way too much, but I honestly do not know how to change this. I believe that one day technology will completely dominate our society, and we will not be needed for anything. I try to be careful in how much time I spend on my computer and social networks because I value true relationships.
At the same time, it is disappointing to see how slowly the school system is changing. The world around us depends the usage of technology, and the school is banning resources and computers. I feel like technology is a key aspect to helping students learn, and as teachers, we must fight to get the best for our students.
ReplyDeleteI used to think that social networking would destroy human interaction, but I am beginning to see how useful it will be in our new global society. I also think you have watched I Robot one too many times. I don't see where computers will ever be able to take over as long as we can unplug them.
I'm also kind of scared about finding a job when I actually do get my degree. I also agree with Dr. Robinson that we are born artists and grow out of it. I used to just sit and draw all the time, but as I grew up I lost time for it.
I hope we are all able to be as good a teacher as Mrs. Davis. I'm the same as you with technology. I didn't use technology unless I had to, but now I am actually enjoying learning more and more with this class.
Michael Armstrong
ReplyDeleteI on the other hand would have to agree with your comment about technology. I personally have nothing against technology but I believe that one day we may regret how we have transformed it into a negative thing instead of a positive thing. There are definitely positive aspects to it but people have distorted that vision into something that is making us dependent upon technology to a point that we can't function without it. I have met people that can't talk to someone who is sitting right next to them unless it is through there cellphone or text message, and this sickens me. No doubt we can reach people farther away than ever before, but what about the person that is right next to us?
Chase Davidson